What to expect from the wristband when tapping to mute
This information applies to wristbands on v26.004 firmware or higher. Previous firmware versions may experience different behaviours.
How to use tap-to-mute
Tap-to-mute allows you to enter in and out of a mute state without needing to use your mobile device. To tap-to-mute:
- Double-tap the wristband with an open palm.
- The wristband will enter a mute state for 1 hour.
- At the end of 1 hour, the wristband will automatically unmute.
- If unmuting is required before the end of the hour, double-tap again to unmute.
You will not be able to tap-to-mute if the wristband is actively alerting, and you must move away from the energised source to proceed with tap-to-mute.
The taps are relatively light - tapping with the palm of your hand (as opposed to fingers) can help control the force.
Watch this video to see both the force and speed required to tap-to-mute:
Preventing accidental muting
To help prevent accidental muting or unmuting while performing activities that have a similar impact to tapping, such as rhythmic tool use, the wristband has logic in place that invalidates successive taps.
What to expect:
If the wristband registers two state changes via tap within 3 seconds (mute > unmute > mute or unmute > mute > unmute), it will revert to the original muted/unmuted state. It will then not change state again until it has registered at least 6 seconds without any taps.
Example: If the user taps from unmuted to muted and then immediately taps to unmute, the wristband will return to unmuted (the original state).
If the user then immediately taps the again wristband, the wristband will not mute.
If the user waits 6 seconds before tapping again, the wristband will mute.
Full summary of the behaviour:
When the wristband registered double tap, it will change state (mute or unmute) and starts 3 second timer. If it registers another valid double tap within this 3 second timer, the wristband will return to it's original state (classifying the first tap as “invalid”).
The wristband then starts a new 6 second timer where it will not change states again unless the wristband does not register any taps for 6 seconds straight. If a tap is registered within this timer, the timer is restarted.
More information about muting can be found here.